Tuesday, 24 April 2007

The Ebay to Go

LOCATION: O'neils Pub, Heathrow Terminal 3, London, UK

As I mentioned in my last post I had found a good supplier for printing and distribution of my images and have now eventually done something about trying to sell a few.

I have always had an account with ebay so I just logged into this as normal and have put up two images for sale. I've decided I will try different styles of imagery over the next few weeks and maybe play with different size prints. My first attempt is 2 abstract images printed to A1 size and supplied rolled in a tube ready to frame.


I have started them at a relatively low price and have put them up for 7 days.

I don't really know much about pushing ebay sales so for this instance i'll see what happens

I'm now off away to Monreal for 3 weeks and have taken my camera and laptop with me. Any decent photos I take and I will probably put oe of two of them on Ebay as photos are the next thing I want to try.

If anyone has had any experience selling imagery on Ebay any tips would be extremely helpful. I will be trawling the net when I get a chance looking for ideas and see what others have had luck with.

Will post again soon,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I added you to this: http://julieannebonner.com/feed-my-feed/

It will help your traffic. This is julie from Declutter It!, but this is from my personal blog: http://julieannebonner.com

Let me know if you have any questions!