Friday, 6 July 2007

Oi Parks

Location: Williston, Vermont, USA

Where on earth have I been?

Well i've been quite lazy of late and my life has been all over the place but if i'm genuingly going to unconstrain my life then I really do need to get on with things.

I really didn't know what to do with this blog so it's been very neglected. My partner confirmed my suspicions that this blog was a very boring read so I was going to scrap it and try to start again but I think i'll give it another shot!!!!

So I have been up to bits but no where near enough. I'm currently in the states and have been enjoying mself loads but the point that I was going to get all my online activities really going hasn't happened.

I have been working on my new website though where people can buy prints of my photos/art or send me their own images to be printed. I want to target photographers and families who need imagery blown up. This service is only availbale ion the UK at present. I'm yet to get any sales as have not been pushing the advertising of it and am only just starting to get the site near finished. Any comments or suggestions for the site would really be appreciated. Also if anyone knows of any good ways to market this kind of product again I would be very interested.

To go along with this i've also just started putting images back onto ebay
and my current images can be seen here.

My Adsense has been earning absolutely nothing here as I have been going against the main rule of blogging and have not been posting or trying to get links from other people.

I promise I will try and post most days from now on!!

Thanks for reading.

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